Find your purpose

What’s the point of life if it feels the same every day?

For years, I too felt like I was wandering aimlessly, waiting for things to fall in my lap. 

Sometimes, I would casually think I might want to get my master’s degree in marketing because it was the “thing to do”. Next, I would move on to thinking maybe I don’t want to do marketing and do something else. Or sometimes I wanted to start a business. And I also would go on a long stretch of wanting to move out of state and completely reinvent my life.

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Canvas Rebel Article

Emma, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. We’d love to have you retell us the story behind how you came up with the idea for your business, I think our audience would really enjoy hearing the backstory.

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Establish Better Boundaries

Like it or not, your boundaries are directly correlated to your sense of worth and love for yourself.

Think about it. When you “let” other people walk on you, and disrespect you and your time, you are giving the signal that their time/feelings/projects mean more than yours do.

You need to hear this part, though. You aren’t actually “letting” anyone do anything. You are CHOOSING to honor the needs of others over your own.

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Do people know you?

Do you feel like people know the true you?
If your answer is no, know that you’re not alone. Many people feel that their friends, family, and co-workers don’t know them well or at all. 

By many people, I mean 2 out of 3 of working adults say that they are lonely. If they feel lonely, they probably don’t have many people in their life that know their true personality.

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Asking for help

“Even healers need healers.” Someone said this yesterday during a group call and it really resonated.  Part of the reason I became a Reiki Master was so I could heal myself. And for years, it has worked fine to do self-Reiki. But lately, nothing I tried to do seemed to be working to fix how I was feeling

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Peace for the holidays

Are you feeling stressed about the holidays? This seems to be a common topic lately. Today I’m sharing a few tips (and a workshop) to help you manage that stress and bring in more joy to your holidays.  The first tools shared here are about creating better connection and conversations with family and friends, especially when you don’t

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What happens when…

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you have probably heard me talk about inner authority (AKA gut feelings). I wanted to share with you a couple recent stories that show what happens when you trust these gut feelings and when you don’t listen.

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Into the Tornado

One specific dream that used to plague me was about tornadoes. Growing up in the Midwest, the summer would usually have a few tornado watch days and sometimes the sirens would go off. I knew when the sky turned green, it meant possible disaster. 

As I walked through this dream yesterday, I let myself get swept away into the tornado. I saw the funnel spinning around me, but I remained calm and stayed in the middle. Eventually, I was thrown out of it. I felt stronger and braver for the experience.

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Being Brave: Be Seen

You might be like me. Somebody who doesn’t normally raise your hand and volunteer to speak. Personally, I don’t like to be the center of attention. And I get stage fright!
But I realized that to grow as a person (and grow my business), it’s important to Be Seen.

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Be a Tourist

A few people I know have come up against obstacles this month, making it so they can’t travel far or take a vacation. 
There’s still fun to be had, though, right in your own backyard.
Why not be a tourist in your own community?

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