Is it the Right Step? How to Know.

Your body can tell you whether an opportunity, advice, or a relationship is right for you!

We are born with our body telling us how we actually feel about something. Sadly, most of us push this intuition down, rather than acknowledging the feeling. We are taught to use our minds and think through a situation, and not trust our feelings. Once we start paying attention to our gut and inner knowing, we live much happier lives. We feel strong in our decision-making and know we are on the right path.

Below are the two different tools I’ve learned from mentors over the years. These techniques will help you to navigate life using your inner compass.

This tool is the easier of the two if you are just getting started on working with your inner authority. You ask yourself a question and then let your body move backwards or forwards for the answer. Watch the video for the whole explanation.

I’ve used this tool a lot, especially when my brain won’t stop and I can’t figure out how I feel about a situation. Doing this gets me a clear answer FAST.

Sometimes our inner guidance is steering us a totally different way than we realize. One of the most shocking answers I got while using this technique was in 2022. For 2 years, I had been longing to move to Fort Collins, away from my apartment in Colorado Springs. My boyfriend lived up there, but I also really enjoyed the city. We had started looking at place to live, when I decided to use this tool.

I asked myself questions like, ” Should we live in Wellington?” “Should we live in Laporte?” “Should we live in Fort Collins proper?”

None of the answers using this method were coming up as a clear “yes” or “no”.

Then I asked “Do I need to stay in Colorado Springs this year?” And BOOM. I tipped forward for a “yes” so fast, I almost fell over.

“What the heck?!” I almost yelled out loud. But as soon as that answer came to me, I felt a huge wave of relief. Right then, I knew it wasn’t time to move and I needed to wait it out another year at my apartment in the Springs. Believe me, I wasn’t exactly happy about it, but I trusted the inner guidance enough to know that it was important to stay for some reason.

Looking back now, I see that it was crucial that I stayed in Colorado Springs one more year. I was able to build my Events and freelance businesses up and work through some more inner healing. My boyfriend was able to focus on his career and get promoted. When it became time to actually move, I was ready and completely felt it in my body. Funny thing is, we ended up in Eagle County anyway, so Fort Collins wasn’t even part of the greater plan of my life.

The Sway Technique

This trick is the easiest one to use to figure out your inner guidance. Once you get good at knowing how you feel about something, though, you’ll use this one less and less.

This second “tool” is more about listening to your body. Really feeling into what your gut is telling you. Watch the video for the full explanation. This one is more difficult, especially if you’ve been shutting down your inner guidance most of your life. Our brain wants to tell us one thing, but our body might be showing us something completely different.

Here’s an example of a recent experience using this technique. Many months ago, I was offered a freelance project that seemed to be within my skillset. It was an exciting endeavor and the money would have been good. However, as I paid attention to how my body was reacting to the idea (low gut vibrations and a sick feeling), I knew it was not the right opportunity for me. My head was telling me it was a good project, but I knew better than to question what my body told me.

So, I turned down the project and didn’t think twice about it. Months later, I learned about some drama with that project and was happy that I made that decision. I would have been absolutely miserable if I had taken that project. A great example of trusting our inner guidance!

Gut Check

This is one way to figure out your next steps, but you’ll have to get good at recognizing how something feels.

Once you’ve started understanding what “feels” right and what doesn’t, it’s important to not question it. Your mind might be telling you differently, but your body is using your intuition to guide you.

You can even use these techniques to pick your next travel destination or fun activity. Do a comparison of each option and see how you feel. Whatever one makes you feel the lightest and most excited, pick that one!

As you get stronger in your own inner authority, you will pay close attention to how things make you FEEL. Use that as a compass for decision making. You’ll no longer rely on others as much for advice, nor will you question your choices.

This is a process, so don’t worry if it is difficult for you at first. You’ll get better the more you pay attention! Leave me a comment below if you have a story about using your own inner authority.

Do you more help navigating this tactic? Send me a message.

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