Have you been thinking lately that:
- You want to get back to who you really are.
- You would like to be more confident and not shy away from things as much.
- You have a strong desire to meet new people and build community where you live.
If you are nodding your head in agreement to any of these statements, you’re in the right place!
Imagine what your life could feel like if:
- You wake up almost every morning feeling excited to be alive.
- You respect and value yourself.
- You have the confidence to go out and do what you want to do.
- You are getting involved and being creative – you have enjoyable activities to fill your time.
- You have friends who are here to stay, who hang out with you on a regular basis, and you feel your best around.
Well, you don’t have to imagine your life like this much longer. You could actually be living this way.
About Rosa Joy Co.
The mission of Rosa Joy Co is to help women like you find more joy in life and build better, stronger friendships. For you to discover who you are deep down inside, to heal and shed layers of unhappiness. To truly figure out what lights you up and have the confidence to go for it.
Women are hard-wired for connection, too, and so finding ourselves, and then finding other women to support us, is so important. We all want friends that lift us up, make us proud of who we are, and make us a priority in their lives.
Our offerings include guided programs, such as Journey Back to Joy and Find Your Tribe. These programs combine energetic healing methods, strategic action plans, conversational practice, creative and confidence-boosting activities, reflection, and guided meditations. You’ll be guided by me to help you to heal your heart, connect better with yourself and others, and truly feel excited about life again.
Also available are Reiki sessions for balancing your energy.
You can also join our in person or online community events to meet new friends.
Watch this short interview with the Eagle Chamber of Commerce to learn more about Rosa Joy Co.
Ready to get started on your journey?
First, subscribe to the newsletter to receive tips about living with more joy and better connections that I don’t share anywhere else. You’ll also be the first to know about local and online community events through Rosa Joy.
You can read past newsletters and blogs here.
Next, learn more about our program offerings and upcoming events.
If you’re curious, keep reading on to learn a bit about me and why I’m so passionate about helping you find your happiness in life.

Hi, I’m Emma, your Guide to Joy.
I empower women like you to find more joy in life – through deeper connection to themselves and friends.
I utilize methods such as Reiki, meditation, creative exercises, and engaging activities to help you peel back the layers to find your true self and what makes you happy.
I am a Reiki Master, clairvoyant, event planner, community pollinator, a lover of artistic expression, an avid meditator, and creator of guided meditations.
Here’s a Little Background on my Journey
Have you ever felt like you were wandering aimlessly through life, just taking the opportunities presented to you? That was me for most of my college years and my 20’s. As a marketer and event planner, I settled for jobs that were fine, boyfriends that were okay, and felt that quantity over quality was most important for friendships.
For all my life, I squashed down my dreams, emotions, traumatic experiences, and depressed thoughts because that was all I ever knew. I coped with anxiety, hid from my feelings, and didn’t even try to desire something much greater than what I already had in life.
I had no idea that I was able (and deserved) to have my dreams come true. That maybe, just maybe, all my depression and anxiety stemmed from settling for people, places, jobs, and things, that weren’t right for me.
I’m not sure what happened exactly, at age 30, that led to me the revelation that I could in fact be in the driver’s seat of my own life. To do that, though, meant getting intentional about making my dreams happen – where I lived, my career, my relationships, my friends.
It was like a switch turned on, and I decided to suddenly uproot my entire life because it wasn’t working for me. I let go of a long-term relationship, quit my job, moved from Michigan to Colorado, and started over.
Unfortunately, just because I got intentional on goals, didn’t mean I did any work to change my actual inner self. My problems only followed me to my new home in Colorado Springs, so I was still suffering from depression and anxiety, while continuing to push down every single emotion that arose.
Luckily, right before I moved, I had learned to meditate, which did help me manage my anxiety for the most part. But I still didn’t want to face my emotions (past and present), my traumas, or my lack of boundaries with others.
It wasn’t until I hit the lowest point in my life, after a traumatic sexual harassment situation at work, that I realized there was a problem. Sure, I had left that company, but the turmoil I endured during that time had left me a shell of a person.
My depression was at an all-time high, I had many thoughts of “is this all there is to life?” and did not like myself much. I was in my mid-30’s and could not fathom living like this much longer. I had lost a lot of my confidence, trust in others, and my inner joy.
I was miserable. And many days, I couldn’t see a reason to keep going on.
Although I couldn’t really see the best path forward, I knew I had to get my life back. So I started seeking healing methods. Things like therapy, energy healing, reading books, listening to spiritual podcasts, journaling, and setting goals for both career and fun.
After years of doing some of this work, I did get back some of my happiness. So I stopped focusing on the healing and went on with my life.
That’s why, 3 years later, it came as a big shock to one day realize that I didn’t recognize myself anymore. I had tried so hard to avoid more painful relationships and situations that I had covered up my real personality. By trying to be “normal”, I instead turned into a boring, bored, dull human with few real friends and very little joy.
It was time to fix myself again.
This time, I knew I had to find a way to not only love myself, but find a reason to wake up in the morning with a life full of joy. I wanted to overcome the judgement of myself, get out of the box that I let society to put me in, and find freedom in being the person I truly am. Most importantly, I needed to figure out ways to inject adventure into daily life, and the hobbies that make me happy.
Along that journey, I started to uncover big pieces of myself that had been missing.
By using various healing methods, meditations, diving into new activities, trusting my inner authority, and finding my voice, I was able to find the ear-to-ear grinning joy I was seeking. Most importantly, I have love for myself and know my worth in the world.
I even began pursuing my real interests shortly after beginning this healing process. Interests like becoming a Reiki Master, honing my psychic abilities, and starting my own business. These things had always scared me before, but my confidence in myself had grown exponentially after doing the work to help myself.
Along with developing a system to discover joy, I also wanted amazing friends to hang out with and support me. So I created another system to find and maintain good friendships.
These systems work so well that I continue to use them today to build community and find joy in Eagle County, Colorado, where I live now.
A brand new me came out of that process, and it’s much easier to find joy and fun, as well as loving who I am, rather than being someone behind a mask.
After going on this journey, I realized that other women need help, too. It’s not easy to make really good friends, and it’s definitely not easy to find joy in life, especially if you are overwhelmed with where to start. And so, Rosa Joy was born to help women do just that.
It is my personal mission to help women like you to discover your true self and your own inner power.
As your Joy Guide, you’ll be led through the same methods I used to bring you a more fun and fulfilling life – with better friends, feeling more content with yourself, and excited to be alive.

Have you lost part of yourself? Want to get it back?
Start building your Happiness Strategy with the Joy Cheat Sheet – your free gift for signing up for the Rosa Joy newsletter.
- Get REALLY excited about your life, sometimes without even leaving the house!
- Go from “nothing to talk about” to “she has the BEST stories in the office!”
- Most people will write out a Bucket List but never do anything about it. I’ll show you how to take action so fast, your neighbors will be wondering where you’ve been!
Don’t wait to live the life you desire! Subscribe now to get this 3-page guide.