
  • I want to get back to who I really am.
  • I would like to be more confident, and not shy away from things as much. As I get older, I tend to do that more.
  • What have I been doing with my whole life? Is this it?
  • People won’t like me if I speak my true thoughts.

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place.

I empower women to find more joy in life – through deeper connection to themselves and friends.

After serious bouts with depression and a strong dislike for myself, my journey of joy began in 2021.

Through this journey and growth, I’ve found my voice, more confidence, better boundaries, and stronger relationships. Best of all, many experiences that continue to bring me ear-to-ear grinning happiness.

As a Reiki Master and Joy Guide, I’ll walk you through the same methods I used to lead you into a more fun and fulfilling life – with better friends, feeling more content with yourself, and excited to be alive. 

  • You are active, keeping your mind busy and challenged in a fulfilling way.
  • You respect and value yourself.
  • You have the confidence to go out and do what you want to do.
  • You are getting involved and being creative – you have enjoyable activities to fill your time.
  • You have friends who are here to stay, who hang out with you on a regular basis, and you feel your best around.

If you’re reading this with excitement, let’s get started! First, subscribe to the newsletter to receive tips about living with more joy and better connections that I don’t share anywhere else. You’ll also be the first to know about local and online community events through Rosa Joy.

Next, check out the services page to learn more and register for the guided programs, events, and more.

  • Get REALLY excited about your life, sometimes without even leaving the house!
  • Go from “nothing to talk about” to “she has the BEST stories in the office!”
  • Most people will write out a Bucket List but never do anything about it. I’ll show you how to take action so fast, your neighbors will be wondering where you’ve been! 

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