Find Your Tribe

Make new friends, find your inner confidence, and maintain great long-term relationships – no matter where you live! 

  • Even if…you’ve built up emotional walls from past experiences.
  • Even if…you think you’re too shy or not good at connecting with new people.
  • Even if…you’re overwhelmed with how or where to even start meeting new friends.

This program will help you to find a circle that will feel like family…people who will let you feel seen and heard….who will be in your corner when you really need the support…and most importantly, who want to spend their free time with you.

Avoid wasting your time on friendships that don’t feel right, or spinning your wheels trying to meet people in the wrong places. The time has come to find your tribe so you can have that sense of community you’ve been longing for.

It’s almost as if, the older you get, the harder it is to meet the right people to spend time with. 

Why is that?

The simple answer is that we don’t get forced into situations with people our same age like we did as kids. In school, we got to be around people in the same stage as life, working on projects, and going through hard things together. Our friends were on our level and liked the same things as us.

As an adult, so many stars have to align for us to make friends.

There aren’t mandatory “adult playdates” that have people of the same age gathering together. 

So, we have to resign ourselves to meeting people organically or at work. Hoping that fate will drop new friends in our lap.

I love hosting adult “play dates”, like this caramel apple Girls’ Night Out event. But it’s not easy to find these kinds of activities every day! And they certainly aren’t mandatory.

You might be one of the few lucky people that work with a person that is your age and that you enjoy chatting with. But do you actually hang out with them? Or are they too busy with their families outside of work that you only see them during the week?

And then there’s those of us who work from home and don’t get interaction with others hardly ever….certainly not enough to build any sort of bond with a co-worker.

So, if you can’t (or don’t want to) make friends at work, then you end up seeking new outlets to meet people. And that can feel like a struggle, too, especially if you don’t know where to start. Especially if you live in a small town, it can feel like there’s nothing to do where you live. Or the things that are available to do are not your interests.

Maybe you do find an activity to do, with the thought of “maybe I’ll meet a new friend here”. And then you meet somebody interesting, but it becomes pretty obvious at the end that it was just a conversation for that hour.

Harder still, what if you are putting yourself out there but have social anxiety or can’t figure out what to say to a stranger? If you can’t strike up a conversation with someone, how do you truly form a connection with someone new?

These reasons are why making friends as an adult is not easy.

Boy, do I get it. Especially when I’ve been an outsider moving into a new community. It was even more challenging because I’m an introvert who used to be very shy and freeze up around strangers.

Hi, I’m Emma!

I’m a joy guide, friendship pollinator, Reiki Master, event planner, and clairvoyant. I spent most of my life stuffing down my personality, interests, and real desires. Therefore, people didn’t get to know the real me, and I felt lonely all the time.

It took a long time, but I finally got serious about changing myself to be a better communicator and friend to myself and others. Figuring out how to not only meet new people, but how to turn them into long-lasting friendships.

Since then, I’ve been finding the joy in friendships I’ve always wanted. And that has led to my passion to help other women find beautiful friendships in their own communities. I fully believe that every time any person finds more happiness, the world as a whole benefits!

It’s an overwhelming feeling when you move to a new place and then try to make friends from scratch. You may have experienced that yourself. Or could be experiencing it even right now.

I moved twice in the last 6 years, and both times I didn’t know anyone before arriving in my new community.  

I’ll never forget those lonely days when I would sit at home in my apartment, feeling like everyone in the world was out having fun with friends… except me. 

Sometimes, just to get out of my home on the weekends, I would run to the local neighborhood coffee shop. Intense feelings of anguish would come over me when I would see groups of friends getting brunch together, sharing laughs and new memories.

I wondered why I couldn’t have that, too.

One of the biggest reasons I created the Joy Cheat Sheet was because I needed things to do by myself. I couldn’t stand sitting at home alone all the time, and had to find something that would bring me a little semblance of having a life. Even if it was a solo life.

Every day I would think, “I like living in this city, but it would be so much better with friends.”

Sure, I had friends, but they lived far away. We could talk on the phone, but I wanted to have someone to rely on to go hike, take an art class, grab a drink, or explore the city. It just wasn’t the same without local friends.

I was desperate to have new friends who accepted me and made me feel like I belonged in my new community. 

I’m guessing if you’ve read this far, you have felt this way, too. And just like I felt in those moments, you are ready to take action to stop the loneliness and start making friends.

I did a lot of solo hikes at Palmer Park with my dog, Drogo, when I first moved to Colorado.

The first step in any action plan is to envision how you want things to be. Let’s take a moment and imagine what your life looks like in 6 months, with amazing friends around you.

Picture this.

It’s Friday afternoon. You are just finishing up your work week and are excited for the weekend. You have plans with Sally to check out a concert, a big group of friends is getting together for a barbecue on Saturday, and Sunday you are trying out a pottery class with Jenny, followed by a float on the river with Annie.

You know that feeling of when someone wants and needs you in their life? These are those kinds of friends.

These are YOUR people. You feel grateful for the genuine connection and comradery you get from them, knowing that you are accepted and belong. You can truly be yourself – your authentic self – and are comfortable and safe to do so.

You know that you can rely on these friends to not only experience life with you, but also to support you when you are going through something hard. 

You don’t have to beg anyone to spend their time with you; it’s just a given. Your friends make you a priority and enjoy the same things you like to do. 

Whether it’s walking the dogs, grabbing a meal after work, or just having someone to sit with if you have a bad day…these are true friends.

They are here to talk, laugh, cry. Whatever you need.

Good friends will like the same things as you, like playing board games on a rainy day!

With each and every one of these friends, it’s like you can just be REAL together, and not hold back parts of your personality. No watching what you say or how you say it. You are confident in who you are and feel good to share it with them. It just feels easy and peaceful.

Even when you haven’t seen each other for a while, it’s like you picked right back up where you left off. These are the kinds of friends who are here to stay.

Best of all, you not only feel happy, but you feel healthy. It’s actually a scientific fact; having good friends makes you healthier!

On the flip side:

Yup, people who have good friends are much less likely to have poor health and develop diseases. 

Those statistics alone really prove that having good, quality friendships is so important. 

Back in 2018, the pain of being lonely prompted me to develop a system to start making friends. My motto has always been that I’m in the driver’s seat of my own life, so I used that mentality to create the Friendship Road Map.

This Road Map led me to exploring so many different groups, events, and hobby activities.  

It was great to get out there and start meeting new people….sometimes. More often than not, however, I would go to something by myself and then would get too scared to go talk to anyone

As I mentioned before, I can be a bit shy and introverted. It can be awkward to try to approach people in groups, so I wouldn’t. 

And then I would make up other excuses, like: 

  • Everyone knows everyone, and they don’t want to talk to me. 
  • It’s too cliquey.
  • These just aren’t my people.
  • I don’t belong here.
  • They’re going to think I’m weird.
  • Why am I wasting my time?
  • I’d rather be at home.

All those thoughts racing through my head would usually push me out the door before I gave anyone a chance. By the time I’d get home, the failure would suffocate me. I was constantly ashamed of my lack of courage and felt like a real loser. 

I needed more tools to help me connect with people.

Gosh, I was so envious of people who make friends just walking down the street. How do they do that? I wanted those kinds of skills.

This is what led me to the next part of my journey. Seeking out different books, online programs, workshops, and observing others, I built up a skillset that helped me feel more comfortable in a room full of strangers.

Networking and social tools like how to: 

  • Walk up to strangers, especially when they’re in a group
  • Find things to talk about with someone new
  • Overcome feelings of judgement and social anxiety
  • Build up my confidence in new situations
  • Get over the awkwardness of asking someone to hang out

I finally felt more confident to be in a room full of strangers and actually start up a conversation. Sure, it was still a little scary, but the more I practiced, the easier it got.

With all these skills combined, and using the Friendship Road Map, I slowly started making new friends in my community. It was so much fun to explore and experience life with people there.

I met this friend at a Meetup group event. When I lived in Colorado Springs, we would hike, go shopping, hang at her house, and even took a trip to Fort Collins for a day.

If you’ve read this far, you might be excited at the prospect of making friends, but still have some lingering reservations. 

Many of us have old wounds from the past, such as friends who:

  • gossiped about you to others
  • didn’t give you a voice in the friendship 
  • would often cancel plans or were wishy washy
  • made you feel bad about yourself

This is a common theme when I speak to people about their friendships. The memories of rejection and painful situations create an obstacle to seeking out and trusting new friends.

A mentor of mine once said to me, “it’s better to stay at home and read a book, than to be around people who don’t bring you joy.” 

This statement has stuck with me, and it was especially impactful around the time I had a very chaotic friendship. 

In this chaotic friendship, every day felt like a rollercoaster ride. One day we’d have the best time hanging out, the next day she’d make me feel like a pile of trash. It always seemed like I was walking on eggshells around her. 

But I wanted friends in my life, so I put up with it for a good while. Until I finally got strong enough through therapy and recognizing my own worth. Letting that friend go was not easy, but it was a good decision.

However, the pain from that friendship stayed with me for years. I suddenly felt like I wasn’t good enough, that people wouldn’t like me for me, and that I couldn’t trust anyone with my secrets anymore. I put up big walls and didn’t want to let anyone in. 

Of course, any new friendships I made after that never got past surface level.

The friendships I had as a teenager stayed with me. They were a contributing factor in my apprehension to trust others as an adult.

It was no wonder that I felt like I was begging people to hang out with me. My friends would often be non-committal, focused on other things. Sometimes it felt like there was a clique and I wasn’t part of it. 

There were lots of activities that I wanted to explore and experience, but I found myself relying on other people to do things. Most of the time, that didn’t happen.

And I felt like I always at home alone AGAIN. 

One particular experience still hurts to recall. During this time period, I had asked some friends to hang out with me on my birthday. Nobody wanted to give a straight answer, and it almost felt like they were holding out for a better offer. When the actual day of my birthday came, I still hadn’t heard anything. Needless to say, I spent it on the couch feeling sorry for myself.

The truth was, I hadn’t established a deeper connection beyond surface level, so these friends had no real interest in doing life with me. Our friendship was more of a convenience for them when they didn’t have anything better to do.

Hindsight is 20/20, but in actuality, it took a while to understand why most of my local friendships felt this way.

But I finally figured it out when I realized that I had tried so hard to push down my true personality, that I didn’t even know who I was anymore. If I didn’t recognize myself, how could anyone else really get to know me?

I was so scared that people would label me as weird, find that I was not good enough, or tell the world all my secrets. So instead, I put on a “mask” to keep me safe from painful friendships.

However, by hiding my personality from everyone, I was not allowing any real people into my life, and that was very, very lonely.

The sad thing is, feeling lonely is familiar to many people.

Once I had this realization about hiding away from friendships, it was time to make a change and come out of this box of loneliness I’d built for myself.

Once I got on this path to finding my true personality – and letting others see it – I found a freedom that I didn’t know existed.

As a Reiki energy healer, I desperately sought out new methods and also created my own meditation techniques to “fix” myself. 

The first changes happened when I started doing some deep work on myself to heal the wounds of past friendships. A big focus was also letting go of my fake self to figure out who I actually am and what my interests are in life. Not the interests that society puts on me, but rather the ones that truly bring me joy.

Once I figured that out, I worked on removing the concerns of feeling judged by others, and finding ways to love myself more. That might have been the hardest part of all, because I was ashamed of my true personality for so long. I always felt like I didn’t fit in.

But over time, these meditations and techniques really did help me to love myself more, feel empowered to show my true self to new and old friends, and find freedom in using my voice.

Because I’ve felt more confident in who I am, it’s easier to open up to friends. By doing that, we develop a stronger bond from the start (see the Friendship Stickiness Chart). It’s been incredible to see the change in the quality of people I’ve brought into my life. There’s less worry about drama, trust, or if someone will make me a priority in their life.

Some of that confidence in friendships, though, comes from something else I developed in this process: a trust in my inner authority.

Many people have told me over the years that they wonder the most about how to know if a friend is going to be worth their time. Too many of us have had those toxic relationships, and don’t want the drama that came with friendships of our youth. 

It can be difficult to establish a deeper connection with friends if we don’t know the basics of friendship to begin with.

You might find yourself asking:

  • How do you know if someone is a good friend?
  • How do you know if you can trust someone?
  • How do you ease into being vulnerable with friends?
  • How do you know if a friendship isn’t working anymore?
  • How do you learn to love yourself, quirks and all?

Believe it or not, you have the answers to all of these questions inside yourself. No need to look to others for how to figure this out. The methods to discover this part of you are actually easy to learn, but take a little practice.

I’m talking about learning to trust your inner authority (AKA your intuition). You know, the thing that we are taught to NOT listen to our entire lives. To instead “use our head” to solve our problems.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you (and I) were taught wrong. Our inner authority, or gut feeling, is one of the most powerful tools you have in your arsenal.

On my own healing journey, there came a new understanding of what my inner authority was, and how to listen to it. This enabled me to open up to others more because I could trust what my gut was telling me about them. I started developing stronger, deeper friendships.

By strengthening your inner authority, you get a clearer picture of everyone around you. 

You start to recognize signs immediately for what kind of friend someone could be. You also are more confident in your decisions to move forward with a friendship. 

You have faith that your inner guidance can help you know who is worth letting into your circle of trust. This in turn gives you the courage to talk about your interests, desires, and emotions with the right people.

When you trust your inner authority, you will know when a friend is going to be a good person in your life.

Suddenly, you have a deep knowing if a friend is:

  • A safe person to let you be yourself fully
  • Capable of making you a priority in their life
  • Worth trusting with your secrets 
  • Going to invest time and care about maintaining your relationship
  • Really sees (and loves) you for you

You’ll start recognizing how you feel around each person in your life, and if they are actually lifting you up or draining your energy. 

It’s amazing to have an internal gauge that acts like a “truth meter” and guide for our life path.

Once I got clearer on my inner authority, I was able to sift through friendships and recognize what was working and what wasn’t. Now when I meet someone new, I can tell if they are worth connecting with on a deeper level, or are not my kind of person. 

And when I do open up to others, conversations are much easier and way more fun. It feels like people know me more now, and boy, does it feel good. Friendships have a stronger connection, and I don’t have to wonder “do I really belong?” Or “will they still like me if I speak my thoughts?”

Not just any friends, but YOUR people, the friends that feel like family, the ones who want to spend their free time with you. Supportive friends that are consistent in how they feel about you, that you can talk with about anything

They do exist, and they are out there waiting for you to find them.

Making friends as an adult doesn’t have to be overwhelming anymore.

Finding friends that fit your life can actually be a fun, empowering, and beautiful experience. One that gives you a new connection to the power inside yourself, enabling you to find the friends that will bring you joy, love, and genuine acceptance. 

Just because I went through many years of figuring out the best ways to make new, amazing friends so you don’t have to!

By compiling the strategic action plan, conversation techniques, and healing tools that helped me in my journey, I’ve created a fun and empowering program for you to make the friends you desire…within only a few months!

Are you ready to learn more?

Introducing Find Your Tribe, the step-by-step guided program for women who are introverted, shy, or feel social anxiety, and desire a new way to meet, make, and maintain great local friendships.

Buy now and see the transformation as you:

  • Increase your confidence and let go of inner judgement
  • Enhance your conversations and overcome your social anxieties
  • Learn how to trust people again
  • Start to make amazing friends that are authentic, loving, and enjoy spending time with you


  • A 30-minute Reiki healing session 
  • Discounts to Rosa Joy events
  • Exclusive guided meditations not offered anywhere else
  • Email and text support outside of our meetings

During our first meeting, we will have an initial one-on-one strategy session to work through the Friendship Road Map based on your location and interests. During this conversation, we’ll also determine the action steps for you to take on your own to make friends, as well as create a personalized program that aligns with your goals.

After this initial meeting, we will meet bi-weekly either virtually, or in person (if you are in Eagle County). This will be a total of ten (10) 1 hour, 15-minute meetings. Plus, you’ll be assigned a little reflection homework and your own goals to work on.

Each time we gather, we will:

  • do an activity and discussion
  • talk through your success and obstacles related to your friendship goals and homework
  • create goals for the next time based on your Friendship Road Map

Each Rosa Joy program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the program, I’ll give you your money back, as long as you’ve participated in each meeting fully and have actively worked through your homework and strategic goals. 

These are some of the activities and discussions you’ll do as part of the Find Your Tribe program

Imagine having someone to guide you through the steps to not just make amazing friends… but also shows you how to love yourself, find your inner confidence, trust people again, and be happier in your community.

This program welcomes you to reinvent yourself to where you can feel authentic and free in your friendships.  

“Wow, I am so appreciative of Emma and the Find Your Tribe program. I have had many friends throughout my life, but always struggled to get vulnerable and connect more deeply with them. I used to think that they were the problem, but once I realized it was actually me, I knew I needed some help working through it. 

This is exactly what Emma has helped me do. After having gone through her meditations, reiki, journaling, and activities, I’ve been able to dive deeper within myself, heal what was preventing me from being more vulnerable with my friends, and actually have been able to make much better friendships because of this…and that are real, too! I now know how to be a great friend to somebody, and what signs to look for to see if they are capable of being a good friend back. I know that I can trust these people, and they know that they can trust me back. I’m no longer letting the fear of rejection hold me back from vulnerability, I feel way more confident with myself, and I now bring my whole self to the table in friendships! I never was able to do this before, no matter what I tried. I had been looking for all along and I’m so grateful for Emma’s help with this!”

– Christie M.

When I ask people if they want to make new friends and try new things, I typically hear, “Yes! I want more friends!”.

It seems obvious that we want friends that we can call to say, “I really want to go see that movie” and have them say in return, “yeah let’s go do it!”. We want people that we can go on walks with… or that we can grab coffee with… that we can kind of do whatever with. A friendship that just feels normal and natural. 

Why do we claim that we want friends – and talk about it – but we don’t make much effort to do so?

If you told me that you are afraid of being rejected or that it takes too much out of you to even go somewhere to meet people, I get it. Too many times I’ve heard a story from someone who tried out a new hobby or event to make friends…just to find out that nobody was actually there to socialize.

After a while, you might just want to give up.

I get it. It’s hard. So we get stuck in an endless cycle of feeling lonely, making excuses for all the reasons we don’t have a circle of friends in our communities.

But isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing, over and over, hoping the result will change?

If you keep staying home and simply wishing a new friend will randomly knock on your door, then you probably aren’t going to meet your new circle of friends. That’s the reality.

We have to take action to get the results we desire.

“There’s nothing to do where I live to meet new people, so there’s no way to even make friends.” Here’s the thing – I live in a pretty small community, and despite that, I have a very long list of activities, groups, and volunteer opportunities to check out. We WILL find places, people, and things in your community. I’ll help you figure it all out based on your interests and schedule.

My time is valuable and you don’t want to waste it.” Yup, I totally get that. In this program, you’ll not only choose the interesting activities for you, but you’ll learn HOW to choose and decide what is worth your time. This includes people, too. Sometimes we meet a new person and they end up being wishy washy or canceling plans on us. Wouldn’t it be better to have the freedom to let go of those kinds of “friends” or recognize it right away? You’ll develop the skills for this, too. You’ll get better at choosing the right people for you in the beginning, rather than agonizing over people who don’t make you feel your best.

People aren’t authentic and it’s hard to make a deep connection.” Yeah, some people are too scared to be their genuine selves. But the good news is, not everyone is this way! Through this program, you’ll learn some good conversation skills and other techniques to help new friends open up more. Creating a strong friendship takes time, but there are ways to build a solid foundation of trust and sharing from the start. True, some people aren’t going to show their real side, and therefore won’t be a good friend choice for you. You’ll be able to spot them a mile away by learning about your inner authority and then easily let them go before the relationship progresses. 

I’m too busy for a full program or committing to activities after work.” I’ve learned that we make time for what’s important to us. If it’s important to make new friends and be a happier, better version of yourself, then it will take a little work and time. It isn’t going to happen with the snap of your fingers. Also, it should be no surprise that when you start to make those really good friends, they WILL want to spend their free time with you. Sure, you might need to let go of some things (let’s be honest – is being crazy busy actually bringing you joy?), but think of the benefits of having good friends and a healthy balance in your life.

“I’m not good at connecting with new people.” You’ll be guided every step of the way to bring in more inner confidence and learn how to communicate better (no more small talk!). You will learn tricks of being the newbie in the room, how to have meaningful conversations with strangers, manage your goals for socializing, and engage in exercises to work through the roadblocks that come up. And I’ll be your cheerleader to help you through it all.

“Why can’t I just do this on my own?” You certainly can do this on your own. There are plenty of books, blogs, videos and other resources for boosting your confidence and learning how to have conversations. You definitely can (and should) go to social events on your own. But if you want the exact tools that work specifically for making (and keeping) new friends, this is where you’ll find it. When you need a sounding board for obstacles that arise, I’ll be there for you. When you need practice having good conversations, that’s where I’ll help you. And when you need to learn how to let go of old friends, bring back your confidence, and love yourself again, that’s what I’ll be teaching you.

“Nobody will embrace the real me.” This one resonates with me, too. I always felt that way, until I started finding love for myself and figuring out the RIGHT places to meet new friends. This is actually the biggest part of the program – helping you get comfortable with the real you, finding places to meet people who embrace your same interests, and learning how to trust people with your “real self”. You deserve to have friends that love you for the real you. Everyone is weird in their own way, and there are plenty of people who embrace that same kind of weird. We just need to find them!

A better, more intentional way. A way that also helps you heal some of your old wounds and lets you step into who you truly want to be.

If you really want to find great people with whom you can host dinners for at your house…or go hiking …or try out a new restaurant…or have over for game nights…or just talk out your feelings…

Then you will want to try the Find Your Tribe program.

Life is so much more fun when you can bond over common interests…like these amazing friends I made in a book club!

The Find Your Tribe program is based on creative, healing, roleplaying activities, and homework. These methods work, but they aren’t right for everyone. Please read on to see if the program is a good fit for you.

  • You are willing to come as yourself and share about your successes and obstacles. 
  • You are ready and committed to creating a more fulfilling life for yourself. 
  • You’re looking for consistency and proven methods that will help you meet true friends. 
  • You’re emotionally stable enough to weather the “ups and downs” of healing and finding more confidence in yourself. *
  • You can be patient and intentional, realizing that the good things come with time and effort. 
  • You’re not willing to commit the time to be present at our sessions and do the homework. 
  • You are looking for someone to wave a magic wand and make your problems go away without putting in your own effort to heal and create changes. 
  • You are closed off to anything related to spirituality or alternative healing methods. 

* Healing can be turbulent, and you’ll need to give yourself grace while working through the program. Some days might be harder than others, but you’ll be getting stronger every day. While we will be working to overcome obstacles and uncovering more of your personality through different methods, this program is not therapy. I am happy to refer you to a therapist to work with while you are going through this program, if you’d like. I’ve benefited greatly from talking to therapists in the past, but sometimes you need someone on the ground holding your hand to do the other parts of your life, which is what the Rosa Joy programs are all about.

Find Your Tribe, the step-by-step guided program for women who are introverted, shy, or feel social anxiety, and desire a new way to meet, make, and maintain great local friendships.

This program includes action plans, activities, meditations, and conversation practice that will help you:

  • Increase your confidence and let go of inner judgement
  • Enhance your conversations and overcome your social anxieties
  • Learn how to trust people again
  • Start to make amazing friends that are authentic, loving, and enjoy spending time with you


  • A 30-minute Reiki healing session 
  • Discounts to Rosa Joy events
  • Exclusive guided meditations not offered anywhere else
  • Email and text support outside of our meetings

Each Rosa Joy program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the program, I’ll give you your money back, as long as you’ve participated in each meeting fully and have actively worked through your homework and strategic goals. 

If you’re ready to start bringing more friendships, love for yourself, and confidence into your life, click the button below. This will take you to a short contact form. Once you’ve filled that out, I’ll call you and get you set up for your first meeting!

Of course, getting out of your comfort zone is supposed to be a little daunting.

When given a roadmap towards meeting a whole new group of people, will you jump on it? Or will you skip past it, and stay in the habit of navigating it alone?

I firsthand know how isolating it can feel to go without good friends. Desiring deep down to make connections and meet new people that share your interests

So if you really want to have supportive friends that are consistent in how they feel about you, and people that are here to stay, it’s time to make a choice.   

If you’re tired of feeling trapped and are struggling to find outlets to meet new people…. are tired of wondering how you can make friends as an adult sign up for the Find Your Tribe program and get ready to find companions who will experience life with you.

This is your chance to meet so many different kinds of people that you genuinely feel happy with. 

See if this program is right for you. Book a free consultation call below.

…you can still download the resource below. This is the first step of the Find Your Tribe program, and it is completely free for you.

  • Go from “alone and doing nothing” to having weekends that are jam-packed with festivals, hikes, taking classes, and backyard barbecues with good friends.
  • Discover interesting outlets for meeting people, even if it seems like there’s not much to do where you live.
  • Most people say they want good friends, but never do anything about it. I’ll show you how to take the actions up front to not only meet new people, but to find the RIGHT friends for you.

Get the Friendship Road Map

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