Find Your Tribe

Learn how to make new friends, ways to initiate interesting conversations, find your inner confidence, and how to maintain great long-term relationships – no matter where you live! 

  • Even if…you’ve built up emotional walls from negative experiences.
  • Even if…anxiety makes it feel impossible to connect.
  • Even if…you’re overwhelmed with how to even begin building a friendship.

And let’s not forget…especially if you want a circle that will feel like family…people who will let you be your true authentic self…people who will let you feel seen and heard, and importantly, who will be in your corner when you really need the support.

Avoid that next friendship that doesn’t feel right. The time has come to find your tribe so you can have that sense of community you’ve been longing for.

Growing up, did you envision having friends who weren’t very authentic with their interactions, who didn’t really open up about themselves or what was going on in their life, where only boring, surface level conversations were had, or who really didn’t show you who they really were? Only getting to the end of the meet up just to feel that nobody showed their true selves?

And not with just one friend. Multiple friends. Maybe all of your friends.

When did we accept our friendships to be like this? 

Awkwardness, inauthenticity, and steering clear of deeper conversations…because “that’s just how friendships go.” Keeping everything that you really think and how you really feel inside your brain instead of verbally saying what you’re really thinking to people.

And if you mention wanting more friendships, you’re told “you should feel lucky to have the ones you’ve got!”.

So this ends up being your friendships. Empty, phony, lonely, and maybe even exhausting. 

That’s how they will always be.

Believe me, I know the feeling. I always prided myself on making lots of friends, but they weren’t always real. A great example of this was when I moved to Colorado in my early 30’s. A going away party was thrown and dozens of people drove across the state to wish me luck on my move away.

Afterwards, someone even remarked, “I’ve never seen so many people turn out for a party without free food!”

But here’s the kicker –  the next time I traveled back home and tried to see these friends again, many didn’t show up. I realized that most of those people really weren’t authentic friends. What a rude awakening. A few months of time passing had already broken that “connection” we had.

So what happened? After years of inner reflection, I realized that I lacked the ability to make deep connections at that time… I didn’t know quite how to develop long-lasting friendships.

In hindsight, there wasn’t much room for most of these relationships to get past that point – to become authentic friendships – because I wasn’t ready for it. I didn’t like who I was deep down, so I was always scared that my social circles would think I was weird or wouldn’t accept me for who I truly was. I didn’t want to let someone get close enough to know the true me.

Instead, I hid myself and tried to portray who I thought the world wanted me to be. That left no room to let people know my emotions, interests, or deep-down dreams. Because I didn’t share myself enough, they didn’t share themselves with me, either, and our relationships never got past the level of “really good acquaintance”. You can’t build the foundation of a real friendship based on shallow conversation.

Does this story sound familiar? Are you searching for the deeper connection but have trouble letting people really see you? Do you have a large group of friends, but actually feel quite lonely?

Take a moment and imagine your friendships being different.

It’s Friday afternoon. You are just finishing up your work week and are excited for the weekend. You have plans with Sally to check out a new show tonight, a big group of gals is getting together for a barbecue on Saturday, and Sunday you are trying out a pottery class with Jenny.

You know that you can rely on these friends to not only experience life with you, but also to support you when you are going through something hard. They are here to talk, laugh, cry…whatever you need.

Most importantly, you feel your full self is welcome to the table, you are empowered in who you really are, and don’t hold back parts of you to fit in. You feel comfortable in your friendships and with yourself.

As you reflect on your conversations, you can’t help but think about how well you get along every time. You receive nothing back except the good energy and good vibes. 

With each and every one of these friends, it’s like you can just be REAL together, and not hold back parts of your personality. No watching what you say or how you say it. You are confident in who you are and feel good to share it with them. It just feels easy.

Even when you haven’t seen each other for a while, it’s like you picked right back up where you left off.

You remember why you became such good friends in the first place – you knew that they’d be a safe space for you, that they would let you vent when needed, and that if you texted them needing their help, they would actually show up and help. 

You recall the times that they’ve really helped talk you off a ledge, and was your biggest cheerleader when you needed it. You truly know that you have a great relationship with these friends.

  • Friendships with people your age that want to hang out on the regular.
  • Friendships where you can talk about anything with and can feel safe to disagree.
  • Friendships where you don’t have to live in fear of repercussions or fear of someone saying, “oh that’s stupid.”
  • Friendships where you can feel heard, and know that you can lean on each other when in need.
  • Friendships where you share mutual respect, trust, share ideals, and your values align. 
  • Friendships where you know that someone else needs and wants you in their life as much as you need and want them.
  • Friendships with people who want to do life with you.
  • Friendships where you can laugh a lot, have fun, and even cry if you need to. 
  • Friendships that you can continue to grow deeper in and express your vulnerable self. 

Many people will tell you to just “put yourself out there and start meeting people!” But you know as well as I, that this is easier said than done. 

  • What about the feelings of rejection when you don’t click with people? 
  • What about the intimidation of walking up to strangers and starting a conversation?
  • What if you don’t feel welcome?
  • What if you don’t know what to talk about?
  • What if you feel awkward in new groups?
  • What if there aren’t things to do in your community?
  • What if you have constant self-judgement running through your head?
  • What if…what if…what if?

UGH! It can be so hard to make friends as an adult. 

What you often don’t hear people say is that this all takes a lot of confidence in yourself and also being okay with rejection. Even if they don’t say it, I believe this is the most important first step to being able to create quality, true connections with new friends. 

Remember how I said I was scared to show my true self

So many times, I had been burned by friends who either gossiped about my “secrets” or made fun of my hobbies, so I was rightfully scared to let people get close. It took me years of healing work to get past that (more on those techniques below). I even developed a system for figuring out how I could trust certain people. One of the scariest things for me to share with others was that I am a certified Reiki Master, have clairvoyant abilities, and prioritize my spiritual healing practices. I know, this seems crazy, considering this info is all over the website now. 

However, not even my closest friends knew these things about me until a couple years ago. I KNEW I had something to offer others that could help them heal their wounds and change their lives, but I was downright terrified of being rejected or people thinking I’m weird.

So what changed? I got more comfortable with who I was through meditation and other healing methods, brushed up on my conversation skills, and started testing the waters. By opening up to my friends and potential friends, I noticed nothing but positive encouragement and curiosity. People started hiring me for Reiki sessions or reaching out for clairvoyant information. 

Best of all, my conversations and experiences have been enhanced because I’m showing a part of me that was hidden before. It feels like people know me more now, and boy, does it feel good.

Having that confidence, though, empowers me to go out and try new groups to meet friends. I even feel better when I am rejected by strangers. It still hurts, believe me, but I bounce back faster. The negative self-talk is reduced. And when I meet those people who I click with, it is SO obvious now. I’m not wasting my time on people who aren’t a good match for me.

Not everyone is meant to be your friend, and it’s powerful to know that you get to choose who you spend YOUR time with, too. It goes both ways. 

When it comes time to actually putting yourself out there and meeting new people, having good conversation skills can be the catalyst for making friends. Not having those skills can be detrimental. Countless times I witnessed this at social events I hosted. People would show up but would barely speak to anyone.

I wanted to shake them and say, “You’re here to meet new friends!! Get off your phone and go talk to someone!!”

It was so disappointing. I understand the hesitation to do that, though, especially if you don’t know what to talk about with a new person, or are intimidated to even go up to a group of strangers.

Let’s say you do go to an event, though, hit it off with someone and make plans to hang out soon. Growing a relationship doesn’t happen overnight, and requires maintenance and quality communication. Understanding what it takes to be a good friend to someone else takes effort, but is well worth the reward. 

Are you starting to see why this friendship stuff is more difficult than it seems?

Don’t worry, there is good news! It doesn’t have to be overwhelming anymore. I have compiled the tools that helped me and created a program to help you navigate this process and start making true friends in your life. 

Introducing Find Your Tribe, the step-by-step guided program for adult women who recently moved or had a life transition, and are seeking to experience life with true best friends in their community.

Buy now and get:

  • A strategic action plan to meet potential friends, suited to your personality and goals
  • Roleplaying activities to enhance your conversations
  • Discussions to increase your confidence in social situations
  • Reflections to empower you and let go of negative self-talk
  • Bi-weekly check-in meetings

Comes with 60-day money back guarantee if you aren’t fully satisfied.


  • A 30-minute Reiki Session
  • Discounts to Rosa Joy events 

Imagine having someone in your life that could help you not just make friends but showed you how to actually be well matched with people. Someone to show you how to build a circle of trust

This program welcomes you to reinvent yourself to where you can feel authentic and free in your friendships.  

“Wow, I am so appreciative of Emma and the Find Your Tribe program. I have had many friends throughout my life, but always struggled to get vulnerable and connect more deeply with them. I used to think that they were the problem, but once I realized it was actually me, I knew I needed some help working through it. 

This is exactly what Emma has helped me do. After having gone through her meditations, reiki, journaling, and activities, I’ve been able to dive deeper within myself, heal what was preventing me from being more vulnerable with my friends, and actually have been able to make much better friendships because of this…and that are real, too! I now know how to be a great friend to somebody, and what signs to look for to see if they are capable of being a good friend back. I know that I can trust these people, and they know that they can trust me back. I’m no longer letting the fear of rejection hold me back from vulnerability, I feel way more confident with myself, and I now bring my whole self to the table in friendships! I never was able to do this before, no matter what I tried. I had been looking for all along and I’m so grateful for Emma’s help with this!” – Christie M.

Here’s the thing. When I ask people if they want to make new friends and try new things, I typically hear, “Yes! I want more friends!”.

Why did they want new friends?

Because surprise surprise, we’re human. We all want people that we can share experiences with and that we can get to know on deeper levels. 

We want to know that there are people we can call to say, “I really want to go see that movie” and have them say in return, “yeah let’s go do it!”. We want people that we can go on walks with… or that we can grab coffee with… that we can kind of do whatever with. It just feels normal and natural. 

Why do we claim that we want friends – and talk about it – but we don’t make any moves to meet others? 

Well… we are afraid. We aren’t quite sure where we belong. Many of us ask ourselves:

  • “What if I meet new people and I don’t feel like I can mesh with any of them?”
  • “What if I just end up feeling rejected and sad?”
  • “What if I have to hold back parts of who I am and what I believe?”

I get it. It feels like there are just so many people aren’t willing to be very authentic, to be vulnerable, and that makes it hard to make friends. I mean, can friendships really be made that way anyway? 

There’s more to it. 

Sure, if you ask people what is stopping them from making friends, they say:

  • “Well, people just end up canceling on each other anyway.”
  • “I don’t want to hang out with those types of people.”
  • “People don’t want to be friends with me.”

Yes, it’s important to note that sometimes, things like this are the case. 

But the real reasons behind people not making friends goes much deeper than that.  

We can either turn ourselves away from all friendships…

…or we can decide to get out there. 

What would your life look like if you choose to meet new people and try different things?

It feels foreign to many of us to purposefully go after new friendships. (Hey, if I was a pro at this, I wouldn’t have those same moments of feeling inauthentic myself, or feeling like it’s difficult to invest the time.)

The mind can convince itself of even more things such as:

  • “I would rather be alone.”
  • “I can’t trust people.”
  • “People treat me differently.”
  • “This person won’t embrace the real me.”

I realized that I would never be happy if I was always just saying, “nope, that’s not the group for me”. 

So, I stopped trying to meet new people and find friends my way

I thought that, if I really wanted to find great people with whom I could host dinners for at my house…or go hiking …or try out a new restaurant…or have over for game nights…or just talk out my feelings…

Then I would need to get creative and get intentional. This is how this program started.

GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY to take advantage of this special program price launch

  • Eight (8) one-on-one weekly hour meetings
  • Create goals, set intentions, and make a strategic action plan
  • Meditative and energetic release activities to let go of old patterns and overcome hurdles to finding the friends you want PLUS a 30-minute Reiki session
  • Creative activities and forms of journaling to aid in getting you unstuck and manifesting your new tribe
  • Role-playing to enhance your conversations, bring out your authentic personality, as well as non-awkward ways to asking someone to hang out
  • Learn tricks for being the newbie in the room and how to approach people you don’t know
  • Discuss methods for knowing if someone could be a good fit for a true friend, and how to let go of past relationships that might be holding you back
  • Accountability check-ins
  • Discounts to Rosa Joy Co community events

Find Your Tribe will teach you ways with how you can organically connect with people. You do not need to ‘drink’ to have connect with somebody, even if alcohol is around. Through this program, you’ll discover new places to meet people in your area, and how to form a mutually rewarding relationship – where you can  share yourself with somebody and they can do the same in return without a drink being involved. Then I’ll take you through some role-plaiyng that will organically enhance your conversations. You will see your authentic personality come to life and learn the non-awkward ways to relate with someone. 

This program will discuss methods with you for knowing if someone could be a good fit for being a true friend or not. People don’t automatically ‘just know how to know this’. It comes from practice. 

Find Your Tribe will guide you every step of the way. You will learn ways to become unstuck, learn tricks of being the newbie in the room, and engage in exercises to work through the roadblocks that come up. We will figure out how to navigate that together.  

The Find Your Tribe program is based on creative, healing, roleplaying activities, and homework. These methods work, but they aren’t right for everyone. Please read on to see if the program is a good fit for you.

  • You are looking for someone to wave a magic wand and make your problems go away without putting in the effort to heal and create changes. This program is about guiding you to be your best self. I can’t step inside your mind and do it for you. These methods are tools to help you stand on your own as an empowered female.
  • You aren’t okay with opening up about your hurdles and successes. You will only develop true connection with others (and yourself) if you can be vulnerable once in a while. Plus, I can only help you move past hurdles if you can discuss them out loud. If you aren’t ready yet to even try to be YOU fully – emotion, fears, and all – this program won’t work for you.
  • You are closed off to anything related to spirituality or alternative healing methods. These methods work because they are powered in healing yourself from the inside. As a Reiki Master, I have witnessed – for myself and clients – the true impact of these tools. But if you have a hard time being open minded about things you don’t understand fully, that’s okay, but this program will not be right for you.
  • You’re not willing to commit the time to be present at our sessions and do the homework. If you sign up for this program, accountability is important. False excuses will only hurt your success. I certainly understand if an obstacle comes up for you during your progress, hindering your confidence to do an activity. All I ask is that you try. (Obviously, sickness or emergencies don’t count here – take care of yourself first!) However, not taking the time to do the work or attend a meeting because “something better came along” doesn’t fly here. Please come back when you are able to fully part of the program.
  • You are willing to come as your authentic self (the best that you know how!). That means being a bit vulnerable, sharing the good and the bad, and having real conversations. The first step to any joy is being able to be honest with yourself and others.
  • You are ready and committed to creating a more fulfilling life for yourself. You will be given homework to do on your own. Most of it will be activity-based, such as reflective work, or physical activities that get you moving. This program requires a time commitment of at least 6 hours a month.
  • You’re looking for consistency and proven methods that will help you meet true friends. These programs are meant to help guide you to be the best, fun, happy version of yourself, so accountability outside of our sessions is particularly important.
  • You’re emotionally stable enough to weather the “ups and downs” of healing and finding more confidence in yourself. Healing can be turbulent, and you’ll need to give yourself grace while working through the program. Some days might be harder than others, but you’ll be getting stronger every day. While we will be working to overcome obstacles and uncovering more of your personality through different methods, this program is not therapy. I am happy to refer you to a therapist to work with while you are going through this program, if you’d like. I’ve benefited greatly from talking to therapists in the past, but sometimes you need someone on the ground holding your hand to do the other parts of your life, which is what the Rosa Joy programs are all about.
  • You can be patient and intentional, realizing that the good things come with time and effort. We are striving for a marathon here, not a sprint.

This profound opportunity right here is what lets us find folks with common interests, people we can share real experiences with, and helps us get out of our shells!

Of course, this might feel scary. Getting out of your comfort zone is SUPPOSED to be a little scary!

When given a roadmap towards meeting a whole new group of people, will you jump on it? Or will you skip past it, and stay in the habit of navigating it alone?

How isolating to not already just feel accepted somewhere. How lonely to feel the desperation of wanting to make connections and meet new people. If receiving this help isn’t what you’re wanting, then I definitely respect that.

But, if it is, if you really want to have supportive friends that are consistent in how they feel about you, and people that you can talk with about anything, it’s time to make a choice.   

If you’re tired of feeling trapped and are struggling to find outlets to meet new people…. are tired of wondering how you can make friends as an adultschedule a free consultation and get ready to find companions who will experience life with you.

You can now decide.

This is your chance to meet so many different kinds of people that you genuinely feel happy with. 

GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY to take advantage of this special program price launch

  • Eight (8) one-on-one weekly hour meetings
  • Create goals, set intentions, and make a strategic action plan
  • Meditative and energetic release activities to let go of old patterns and overcome hurdles to finding the friends you want PLUS a 30-minute Reiki session
  • Creative activities and forms of journaling to aid in getting you unstuck and manifesting your new tribe
  • Role-playing to enhance your conversations, bring out your authentic personality, as well as non-awkward ways to asking someone to hang out
  • Learn tricks for being the newbie in the room and how to approach people you don’t know
  • Discuss methods for knowing if someone could be a good fit for a true friend, and how to let go of past relationships that might be holding you back
  • Accountability check-ins
  • Discounts to Rosa Joy Co community events

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