Finding Joy when you Feel Stuck

Are you feeling stuck or really lost during a major transition? If so, I have a story for you and some advice on how to work through it. Watch the video and keep reading!

In 2023, I moved 4 times in 3 months. I had everything in storage, moved across the country to Michigan, then to a hotel in Dillon, Colorado for a month, then finally to Eagle County. Talk about stressful. I didn’t know which way was up and was so out of balance. I had all these ideas for what I wanted to do with my business moving forward, yet I couldn’t even get grounded enough to start any of them.

Once I got settled into my dad’s home in Michigan, I was feeling really low and out of sorts. After some bouts of heavy depression in that first week, I had a really amazing meditation that led me to this advice: Live like you are a tourist! Write a new joy cheat sheet for these places you are staying.

I am originally from Michigan, so I was excited to be around my friends and family, but that idea about the Joy Cheat sheet didn’t occur to me until that meditation. I always daydream about those things I’ve missed about my home (food, the beach, my favorite book store…), so it was the perfect time to really experience them again. I took a few ideas from my original Colorado Springs Joy Cheat sheet, and then made one specific to Michigan.

In the midst of writing that cheat sheet, I also added in a few business goals for myself that felt easier to accomplish. I felt like I was moving forward a little bit.

This created more excitement and adventure for my time there. And once we moved into our hotel for 1 month in Dillon, I created a new joy cheat sheet for that area. Since I hadn’t spent much time in Dillon before, I added in adventures like finding a coffee shop or new restaurant, and going for a run near the marina.

I’m not saying that I didn’t have a challenging time during all this transition. I certainly did. But creating these documents helped me feel like I had a little more control over my life and added a bit of adventure that was needed. I can look back at those times with happiness, rather than regret for not fully experiencing the place I was living.

I’ll also mention that I took an online Clairvoyance course throughout the summer. That gave me a weekly meeting to look forward to, as well as a learning opportunity to practice in my downtime.

If you are feeling stuck or like you can’t move forward on something because of your circumstances, try out this method of creating a Joy Cheat Sheet. If you want more information about Joy Cheat Sheets, check out this blog. Watch the video below to hear this story fully, as well as some inspiration for what I wrote on these sheets.

Something else you can do is to write a list of things you CAN do in your time of transition. Sometimes brainstorming activities is the exact step you need to get motivated. Lastly, you can schedule an Art Journaling session with me or Reiki Healing session to help you move past obstacles if nothing else is helping. Send me a message to learn more.

  • Get REALLY excited about your life, sometimes without even leaving the house!
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