Authentic Self

Find your purpose

What’s the point of life if it feels the same every day?

For years, I too felt like I was wandering aimlessly, waiting for things to fall in my lap. 

Sometimes, I would casually think I might want to get my master’s degree in marketing because it was the “thing to do”. Next, I would move on to thinking maybe I don’t want to do marketing and do something else. Or sometimes I wanted to start a business. And I also would go on a long stretch of wanting to move out of state and completely reinvent my life.

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Establish Better Boundaries

Like it or not, your boundaries are directly correlated to your sense of worth and love for yourself.

Think about it. When you “let” other people walk on you, and disrespect you and your time, you are giving the signal that their time/feelings/projects mean more than yours do.

You need to hear this part, though. You aren’t actually “letting” anyone do anything. You are CHOOSING to honor the needs of others over your own.

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Do people know you?

Do you feel like people know the true you?
If your answer is no, know that you’re not alone. Many people feel that their friends, family, and co-workers don’t know them well or at all. 

By many people, I mean 2 out of 3 of working adults say that they are lonely. If they feel lonely, they probably don’t have many people in their life that know their true personality.

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What happens when…

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you have probably heard me talk about inner authority (AKA gut feelings). I wanted to share with you a couple recent stories that show what happens when you trust these gut feelings and when you don’t listen.

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Being Brave Challenge: Vulnerability

Many people are scared of being vulnerable with others. It can be terrifying to show your true self. There’s so much fear of being judged, being a burden, looking silly, or getting rejected. If this is how you feel, too, it’s understandable. 

My own fears kept me from opening up to friends about how I felt or even what hobbies I enjoyed. Many of you know that I was scared to tell anyone that I am a Reiki healer and clairvoyant for years. It felt like a secret that only a select few in my circle knew about me, and even then, I barely spoke about it.

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How to Have More Hope

Today, let’s talk about hope and how to find more of it.
What is hope exactly?  Hope to me is a belief that everything will work out for the best. It might not be an easy task or situation we will encounter, but we will learn what we needed or be put on the path we were meant to walk. Most importantly, hope is knowing that we’re always supported and being guided through the right doors.

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Is this the right friend for you?

Let’s talk about how to identify if a friendship is right for you. 

Sometimes the truth is scary, and you may think you don’t want to know if you are hanging out with the wrong friends. But what if I told you that…

….by holding on to friends that aren’t a good fit, these relationships can sometimes be detrimental to your confidence, mental health, and even keep you from finding true happiness?

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Finding Solitude

As a kid, did you ever desire to have a treehouse?

I wanted one so badly growing up. I would daydream about climbing up the steps, entering my own little private space where I could see the world, but not have to be part of it.
Deep down, I think kids understand themselves way more than adults do. Children know that they need a place for themselves to find seclusion and recharge.

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Who Would you Be?

Have you seen that show, “The Tourist”? He wakes up in a hospital and has amnesia, spending most of the episodes figuring out who he is (or was). I’ve been thinking a lot about that show. My thought is, why try to dig up the past when you have the luxury of starting everything over?

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