Heart Meditation

5+ years ago, a friend suggested that I read the book, “The Alchemist” by Paula Coehlo, in preparation for my move across the country. This book changed my perspective on life in so many ways, but it also taught me that I needed to be speaking to my Heart.

The first time I decided to “speak” to my Heart, I didn’t know what to expect. Using my meditation, I was able to find out that I was operating completely against my true Heart’s desires. My Heart appeared angry and it was a wake up call to many things I’d been burying in my life.

After conversing with a couple of my reiki clients about the power of talking to your Heart, I decided to record this meditation. I hope that it opens up an awareness for you like it has for me. You can use this meditation to check in with yourself from time to time as well. Sometimes my Heart appears as happy and healthy, other times she is worn out and stressed.

Heart Mediation: (I recommend playing some calming music in the background while you listen)

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