Asking for help

“Even healers need healers.”

Someone said this yesterday during a group call and it really resonated. 

Part of the reason I became a Reiki Master was so I could heal myself. And for years, it has worked fine to do self-Reiki. But lately, nothing I tried to do seemed to be working to fix how I was feeling (which, if I’m being completely honest with you, was pretty bad). 

After several months of feeling out of sorts, battling fatigue, and combatting the shame and frustration that came with not being able to heal myself, I decided to get some outside help.

So, I finally scheduled a Reiki appointment with my Reiki teacher. We had the long-distance session last Friday.

And boy, am I glad that I did this. There was an instant relief and sense of peacewash over me as soon as the session started. Some big revelations came up, everything felt lighter, and I could physically sense the “clogged pipe” feeling washing away from my chest and throat. The peace and joy from the session has lasted for days. I feel like I can move forward again with my goals.

It was some of the best money I’ve spent on myself in a while. 

You know that calm feeling you get when looking at sunsets? That’s how Reiki makes you feel.

You don’t have to do it alone

You might be thinking, okay, Emma, get to the point. Why does anyone care about your Reiki session?

Well, if you’re like me, you probably can get so intent on doing everything yourself,that you forget other people have skills and tools that can help you along your path.Especially if they are skills that are similar to your own.

Another person’s perspective, a valuable service offering, a new method, or even a supportive ear can be the difference between staying stuck or moving forward.

If you’re tired of feeling like you are overwhelmed, doing everything on your own… 

Then take a pause here for a moment and answer these questions: 

  • What can you outsource?
  • What have you been needing direction on but can’t move forward?
  • What have you been wanting for yourself, but don’t have the time to do?

Perhaps you’re feeling like you want more joy in life, but nothing is working. Or you need new friends and going to networking events isn’t getting you there. Or you feel stuck, cloudy, or unstable.

This might be the message you needed to receive today to realize that something in your life isn’t working and you need to seek outside help.

Good news is, I can help you with all those things mentioned above (fun, happiness, self-love, friends, getting unstuck, finding direction).

It might be time to learn more about Reiki services or the Journey Back to Joy and Find Your Tribe programs. It could be time to gift yourself some self-care during the holiday season. 

If you are ready to start feeling better, email me to set up a time to chat about how we can get you back to being happy and supported.

Whatever the source of your overwhelm or frustration is, I hope you can find it within yourself to realize YOU are worth investing in.

  • Get REALLY excited about your life, sometimes without even leaving the house!
  • Go from “nothing to talk about” to “she has the BEST stories in the office!”
  • Most people will write out a Bucket List but never do anything about it. I’ll show you how to take action so fast, your neighbors will be wondering where you’ve been! 

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