Loving Yourself Tools

In my other blog post, I spoke about my journey in rock bottom and how I climbed out. Here I’ll share some of the tools here that really helped along the way. Note: I’m not a therapist, but these aided me in my healing journey (along with talking with a therapist a few times a month).

  • Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth : In 2018, I had just moved to Colorado and my savings was running out after a few months without a job. A friend suggested I take this course at her non-denominational church called Spiritual Economics. We worked through this book. Not kidding, once I started taking this course, I found a job immediately. The audio book is dry, so I suggest the text version.  
  • The Magic by Rhonda Byrne: This is like a workbook for the book the Secret. I learned about it in 2020, and still use the methods to improve my own life. It really does work if you put effort into it. Law of Attraction is real, and manifesting is a powerful tool that we all possess. It’s good for career, relationships, finances, and more.
  • Remembering your Worth by Sarah Blondin: When I was in a deep and dark depression in late 2019, I would listen to this audio talk on Insight Timer every single day. It is a good reminder that we all deserve good things and are worthy of love.  
  • Oprah’s Super Soul podcast: This podcast brought me so much hope. It gave me a new purpose and activated my motivation to get out of my funk. Some of the ones I recommend are from 2018 and 2019, with these guests: Pema Chodron, Gary Zukav, Elizabeth Gilbert, Iyanla, Mark Nepo, Wayne Dyer 
  • The Learning to Love Yourself workbook by Gaye Hendricks PhD: A mentor suggested I use this book in late 2018. It is good for self-reflection and even starting to understand why you are the way you are. One of the exercises is to say “I love you” in the mirror. For the longest time, I couldn’t do it without crying. It’s a very powerful book. There’s also an optional book that goes alongside the workbook with some relevant background to the exercises and Dr. Hendricks’ own life.
  • It’s Not your Money by Tosha Silver: After I started doing freelance work in late 2021, this book really helped me to surrender my financial concerns and open myself up for new projects (sometimes it was scary, as I was living on my own, too, and didn’t always know where money was coming from). But money always came through in the end, especially because I used the methods in the book to get myself centered again. I like the audio book version of this. 
  • I’d be remiss to mention therapists here. My therapist certainly was my hero for many years and helped me to process a LOT. She even told me once that I was a success story. I know it’s because I did so much of my own healing work outside of our sessions. Please, do yourself a favor and find someone you trust and has the training to help you through it. You can also utilize organizations like SpeakUp ReachOut to find peer groups or other resources.
  • A couple other books I would recommend are The Alchemist by Paulo Cuelo:  and A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. I love the Alchemist on audiobook. It is a fiction story but very inspiring and a good reminder that everything happens for a reason to teach us lessons for achieving our dreams/purpose. A Return to Love is a bit spiritual, but is a great 1 chapter a night/morning to bring us back to peace.

Disclaimer: I earn a commission if you click on any of the book links and make a purchase from the link. This is at no additional cost to you. You can also find many of these books at the library for free.

Did any of these tools help you? Send me a message to let me know!

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