Journey Back to Joy


  • Even if… you feel you lost yourself and don’t know how or where to start.
  • Even if… you are worried of what people may think of you.
  • Even if… your confidence is low and you’ve placed limiting beliefs on yourself.

And yes… definitely if you want to feel really good, feel that freedom within, and get back to who you really are

Avoid settling for a boring, depleted life, continuing to live as a person you really DON’T want to be. It’s time to bring out your inner joy so that you can feel fulfilled and alive once again. 

  • Healing the Past: Guided meditations, reiki energy sessions, and confidence boosting tactics
  • Creative Soul Work: unique forms of journaling, hands-on artistic expression, and inner child movement activities
  • Pieces of the Puzzle: Joy templates, accountability check-ins, and discounts to Rosa events
  • Quicker results: Go from ‘wanting to experience life more and ‘not knowing how’ to instead getting out of your comfort zone within weeks. 

decade ago, did you imagine living a life constantly worrying about what other people think of you, struggling with low self-confidence, feeling like there is this hole in your heart, not having a purpose or an interest in making yourself better… 

…then coming home after a long days’ work to numb yourself out with technology?  

And not just doing this some days. I mean doing this most days. Perhaps even every day

When did we just fall into a lifestyle like this?  

Exhausted, depleted, trapped, and joyless… because ‘that’s just what being an adult is: Feeling like you’re just ‘getting through your day.’ Settling for the mundane.

And you spend so much time thinking to yourself, “If I could get over that hurdle…” or, “I just need to get back into these things, but…”.

And that’s the cycle you stay in: Living in constant fear of judgement, feeling like your energy is constantly hijacked by everyone else’s energy, and not knowing what you want to do or who the hell you want to be. 

Is this what life is supposed to feel like? What happened to the fun, the feeling of ear-to-ear grinning joy…the feeling of excitement?

Envision going into tomorrow another way. You have the confidence to go out and actually do what you want to do instead of just thinking about it. 

You are no longer just worrying about stuff all the time. 

You now have goals and things that when you wake up, you are excited to accomplish every day. You start to feel empowerment because you’re now taking action. 

You feel sure about the direction you are headed because you have now created an intentional plan to get there. A plan to become who you would like to be, to do what you enjoy, and identified the right steps needed to begin.

You finish up with work from the day, and you realize that you’re not feeling the same feeling of loneliness that you were before. You notice that the little things are starting to make you happy again, and that your inner pieces are starting to fall into place. It’s almost as if you are on your way to feeling complete.  

You notice that you haven’t grabbed your phone or laptop for over an hour, and it hits: you’re letting yourself just ‘be’ in the present moment. You feel like you’re finally able to just slow down

While other people aren’t trying to change and lead a better life for themselves, there are plenty who are getting up, getting moving, and getting motivated. They’re having so much fun because they are moving forward, and doing things that they normally wouldn’t do. And best of all, they feel the freedom of tapping into that silly, joyful, youthful side of themselves.

A few years ago, I was an adult trying to figure out my place in the world. I had lost my carefree sense of wonder. I had become a dull, boring, and depressed person who was stagnant in life. I was so focused on work and being professional, and fitting into a box that society had created for me, that I totally lost myself. I stopped taking as many risks as I used to and had lost my carefree spirit.

But deep down, I knew I wanted to find the parts of myself I felt I had suffocated, worry less about what people thought of me, and regain the confidence I needed to not shy away from things. That’s when I decided I needed to find my childlike joy again.

I finally realized that if I wanted to smile and laugh again like I used to, I needed to take specific steps towards my journey of joy – then I could really start living the way I wanted to. I am now getting back to who I am, and I feel empowered, joyful, and excited to live life again.” 

Let’s work together to bring out a happier version of you. You won’t be alone – I’ll guide you through every step of the process, by your side as your step out of your comfort zone into new experiences.

This statement is engrained in us since birth. As women, it feels like you must be a certain way, look a certain way, like only certain things. Work so hard to earn every penny, and then some. 

We push our real selves down to make others feel comfortable with us. But with that, we then we lose our true self…our inner voice, the things that we enjoy, skillsets we could hone, and the real friends we could have. Being truly free to have the experiences that make us excited about life, the simple joys that leave us feeling content, peaceful, and just plain happy with who we are.

Instead, we are stuck in a life we don’t want, being the person that we don’t like, living in a scheduled, boring existence.

I hate seeing people in their mundane routines – doing the same thing day after day

Living life like it is a chore, rather than an opportunity to experience the world with wonder.

Even more, I hate seeing people “hustling” 24-7, not truly taking time out to enjoy the little things in life.

Feeling stressed, working long hours, and then numbing out in their free time with technology or alcohol.

I talk to so many people who have stopped doing what they enjoyed as a kid. Feeling like they need to be more serious and continue to behave like an “adult”. Like childish fun and wonder is a big societal faux-pas.

When we were kids, we took risks. We were reckless. We had FUN. But  as got older, we learn that actions have consequences…and that just seems to hedge us more and more. We lost our carefree spirit. We care more about how others might judge us.

Now when it comes to thinking for ourselves, finding adventure, or even just starting a new hobby, it becomes difficult. We don’t want people to see our imperfections, appear “weird”, or look “dumb”. I get it. I’ve been there myself.

Speaking of hobbies, you probably hear others say:

And you think to yourself, “well, I want to be creative…but I really don’t what I want to do or even how to start”. 

I hated knowing that that I was doing the exact same thing. Believing that I couldn’t be me; that I couldn’t enjoy the hobbies I wanted to enjoy, I had to work SO hard, and that I couldn’t just let go of caring about what others thought of my every move.

“That isn’t a good life. It isn’t a healthy life,” I would think. And it truly was not how I wanted to live my life

For so long, my life was lacking joy. I had been looking for solace, and I really needed to know my purpose behind being alive. 

I was in a bad place… I was having panic attacks; I was crying all the time; I was not happy… I felt terrible

I just kind of moved along, took things as they came, didn’t have a reason, and didn’t have an interest in making myself better. 

And honestly, I was lucky for that happening… I was lucky because if I hadn’t felt this way, I wouldn’t appreciate where I was now.  

In my early 30’s, I was also in a relationship where it felt like there were very tight knots tied around my heart. I wondered why I was feeling that way, and it dawned on me – I truly felt that I hated my life. I despised this guy next to me, and I disliked everything about my circumstances. 

Imagine feeling like you’re supposed to just accept something, but deep down you know that you just can’t. Once I felt that shock and gained the awareness that I was in a space that I didn’t want to be in, I was like, “okay, how am I going change this?” That was a powerful realization. 

Once I moved out and left that relationship behind, I felt like I had a new lease on life. It had also weighed on my heart for years that I needed to live in a different area, so I started doing some research. Not long after that breakup, I moved from Michigan to Colorado. It was then that I needed to get back to finding that childlike joy I once had.

So, I took the leap and took off to Colorado, where I:

  • Didn’t have a job.
  • Didn’t have a place to live.
  • Didn’t know what I wanted to do.

But what I did know was that I desperately needed this change. Many people tried to tell me I wouldn’t make it, but I knew in my heart (my inner authority) that it was the exact right move for me.

This was the first week after moving to Colorado. I look so timid and scared! But I also felt excited and empowered.

I felt like I was finally in charge of my life, and that I was doing what I was meant to do. Sadly, I didn’t take the time to heal the wounds from my former relationship, or other things from my past. So when I experienced the end of a new relationship shortly after moving to Colorado, that nearly broke me.

It was a rude realization that I was still living for other people’s expectations and settling for things that weren’t right for me. This set me on my next journey of figuring out what I wanted to do. I tried:

  • Going back to school
  • Finding a new job
  • Learning to kickbox

None of those things worked to make me feel fulfilled

Letting go of some anger and feelings of discontent on my birthday in 2019. I always love smashing things!

So, what did I do next? Well…

found people that could help me where I was struggling to help myself. If I had continued to try to find joy alone, I would still be living a life that society was expecting me to live. 

So… I found a therapist – it was the start to feel more comfortable with myself.

And… I started journaling and doing more therapeutic artwork – this created space for expression and visualizing my pain.

Also… I found meditations, spiritual teachings, and discovered working in a clairvoyant space – it was working with spirit guides and angels that brought me further in depth with spirituality.

Additionally… I began doing activities, like jumping on the bed, smashing vegetables, and dancing – these helped me to release anger, sadness, and find my voice.

And finally…I found a Reiki Master to teach me – it is what helped me move through spiritual blocks. 

I ultimately felt like this was my thing. So, I decided to get certified as a Reiki Master, and I was amazed at what happened. I’m able to use this energetic healing method along with clairvoyance to help others find their purpose… to help them heal…to see what is going on inside…to see what is bothering them, and to give them advice on how to move forward. 

It still sometimes feels crazy! I still can’t believe the ways that people have healed after I’ve done Reiki and talked them through others ways to move through their obstacles.

This is art “journaling” that I did between late 2018 to December 2020. This represents the inner chaos I experienced with a breakup, a really bad work situation, and the aftermath of just trying to feel like myself again.  

But it also symbolizes strength and courage when I was really struggling through the everyday during that time period. 

And my life? It’s transformed more than I could have imagined!

Now I am:

  • Experiencing the joy of being carefree…even a little reckless.
  • Experiencing the joy of taking a deep breath of fresh clean air and just feeling the space around me.
  • Experiencing the joy of not always being around city noise.
  • Experiencing the joy of being a part of nature.
  • Experiencing the joy of gratitude.
  • Experiencing the joy of knowing I can go do things alone as an adult without having to bring a kid with me as an excuse to do it.
  • Experiencing the joy of saying my thoughts out loud and embracing my voice.
  • Experiencing the joy of hobbies that keep my mind and my body healthy.
  • Experiencing the joy of challenging my mind.
  • Experiencing the joy of connecting with super welcoming and friendly people. 
  • Experiencing the joy of new activities like making snowmen, cooking, jumping on a trampoline, going on swing sets and slides, trying a new restaurant, taking solo mini adventures…

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still trying to figure it out… I still have days where I feel depressed, or that I’m not having fun… but most days, I’m courageous…I’m feeling more confident by having more fun…I’m caring less about what people think about me because I’m living in my element, and I’m bringing my true personality to the table.

I don’t care as much about being judged because I’m enjoying life and embracing the courage and bravery that I’ve developed to show my true self. 

I’ve designed a new way to give you even more resources to find your way back to joy. I call it the Journey Back to Joy program

The way you’re used to: The past shows that trying to find joy alone can feel exhausting. You try to fill your time with new things, yet you don’t always feel it’s the right ‘things’. You start to feel bored, and that you’d like to do more crafty things… but you don’t exactly know what those are. Do you really insist on doing it alone? 

The new way to go about it: I created this course from the ground up. My Journey Back to Joy program is a unique, extensive, and step by step program for accomplishing the transformation to feeling joy. 

For example, if you want to learn more creativity, have an action plan tailored exactly around your goals, use exercises to overcome joy-related obstacles, do activities to aid in being intentional and visualizing the future, go through reiki healing sessions to become unstuck, attend weekly hourly check ins for accountability, and get discounts to Rosa Joy’s community events, then this is for you

This program uses a plethora of ideas and resources to move you forward

So many people want to feel happy and content with their lives. But it isn’t happening for them. The honest truth is that it takes intention, motivation, and accountability. A big boost of confidence and the courage to keep moving through feeling judged. When you have someone by your side, helping you to be accountable, motivated, and doing the activities with you, it dulls the fear. Getting through the layers to your true, authentic self takes time. Why not work with someone who can help you break through the mold and out of your comfort zone?

The last thing we need is another task added to our day to make us feel depleted. Journey Back to Joy isn’t another … It’s an efficient program to guide us to feeling energized, feeling prioritized, that perhaps can even help eliminate some of the tasks on the to-do list! You can start learning the skills within your first session. I help tailor my program around the specific goals that we identify for you. Don’t focus on what couldn’t be found within – focus on the joy that could be found once we get started. 

There is ALWAYS joy to be found. We ALL have hidden joy within, that maybe used to be there and has been dimmed, or that yet to be discovered. Never say never! Journey Back to Joy will be specially tailored just for you so we can figure out your exact needs. 

The Journey Back to Joy program is based on creative, healing, movement activities, and homework. These methods work, but they aren’t right for everyone. Please read on to see if the program is a good fit for you.

The Journey Back to Joy program is not right for you if:

  • You are looking for someone to wave a magic wand and make your problems go away without putting in the effort to heal and create changes. This program is about guiding you to be your best self. I can’t step inside your mind and do it for you. These methods are tools to help you stand on your own as an empowered female. 
  • You aren’t okay with opening up about your hurdles and successes. You will only develop true connection with others (and yourself) if you can be vulnerable once in a while. Plus, I can only help you move past hurdles if you can discuss them out loud. If you aren’t ready yet to even try to be YOU fully – emotion, fears, and all – this program won’t work for you. We want to find more fun in life, and often that means being silly and feeling a little embarrassed at first.
  • You are closed off to anything related to spirituality or alternative healing methods. These methods work because they are powered in healing yourself from the inside. As a Reiki Master, I have witnessed – for myself and clients – the true impact of these tools. But if you have a hard time being open minded about things you don’t understand fully, that’s okay, but this program will not be right for you.
  • You’re not willing to commit the time to be present at our sessions and do the homework. If you sign up for this program, accountability is important. False excuses are one of my biggest pet peeves. I certainly understand if an obstacle comes up for you during your progress, hindering your confidence to do an activity. All I ask is that you try. (Obviously, sickness or emergencies don’t count here – take care of yourself first!) However, not taking the time to do the work or attend a meeting because “something better came along” doesn’t fly here. Please come back when you are able to fully part of the program.

This Journey Back to Joy program is right for you if:

  • You are willing to come as your authentic self (the best that you know how!). That means being a bit vulnerable, sharing the good and the bad, and having real conversations. The first step to any joy is being able to be honest with yourself and others.
  • You are ready and committed to creating a more fulfilling life for yourself. You will be given homework to do on your own. Most of it will be activity-based, such as reflective work, or physical activities that get you moving. This program requires a time commitment of at least 6 hours a month. 
  • You’re looking for consistency and proven methods that will help you meet true friends. These programs are meant to help guide you to be the best, fun, happy version of yourself, so accountability outside of our sessions is particularly important.
  • You’re emotionally stable enough to weather the “ups and downs” of healing and finding more confidence in yourself. Healing can be turbulent, and you’ll need to give yourself grace while working through the program. Some days might be harder than others, but you’ll be getting stronger every day. While we will be working to overcome obstacles and uncovering more of your personality through different methods, this program is not therapy. I am happy to refer you to a therapist to work with while you are going through this program, if you’d like. I’ve benefited greatly from talking to therapists in the past, but sometimes you need someone on the ground holding your hand to do the other parts of your life, which is what the Rosa Joy programs are all about.
  • You can be patient and intentional, realizing that the good things come with time and effort. You should see some changes right away, however, we are striving for a marathon here, not a sprint.

For many of us, starting our journey back to finding that joy within may not exactly feel comfortable, especially with help from someone. (But hey, if I didn’t want to make consistent progress, I’d being going it alone, trying things that I think might help but quickly learning they don’t).  

Our mind can convince us that:

  • “Maybe someday…but not right now.”
  • “You’re content with where you are now.”
  • “You don’t need joy in your life.”

I knew I could never be happy living on this ‘plateau’ and not having any goals. 

I began the years long process of looking for ways to find my inner joy. 

So, why wasn’t I finding that creativity I longer for – despite all the options available to me?

I discovered that denying the joy we crave makes us numb to finding it after a while. 

For example, people believe that “as we get older, we can’t do kid like activities anymore” and so we stop seeking out those kinds of experiences. But is that REALLY how life is supposed to be?  

GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY to take advantage of this special program price launch

  • Eight (8) one-on-one weekly hour meetings
  • Create goals, set intentions, and make a strategic action plan
  • Meditative and energetic release activities to overcome joy-related obstacles and unleash parts of you that have been hidden
  • Creative activities and forms of journaling to aid in being intentional, getting you unstuck, and visualizing the future
  • Hands-on movement activities that bring you back to your child-like wonder; feeling fun, care-free and light
  • Accountability check-ins for you to share successes and work through challenges
  • Discounts to Rosa Joy Co community events
  • 60 day money-back guarantee

Journey Back To Joy will show you how to re-find that joy. You do not need to ‘find’ some of it again before you start. I’ll show you exactly how to dig in deep so we can unleash the parts of you that have been hidden. Then I’ll take you through the steps I use to see if I’m feeling unstuck. You’ll quickly know what feels right for you before spending too much time on the wrong path.  

This is the ONLY program that intentionally guides you to finding and then developing your joy. This kind of process doesn’t ‘just happen’. Or by winging it. It comes from purposely delving in with healing, getting a little uncomfortable, and someone giving you that extra little push. There will also be homework and plenty of one-on-one discussions to provide you with tools to move forward in your goals.

Journey Back to Joy will be with you every step of the way. You can decide if certain activities help you more than others. Additionally, some people prefer to check in more often or need a little extra guidance. If that’s you, we can figure out how to navigate the challenging roadblocks that come up.

We have the opportunity to find joy right here and right now – to feel more carefree, confident, and empowered to truly be you. To really seek the adventure in life…those little things that actually make you happy.

Why yes, you may feel afraid to do it. Tapping into your soul can be intimidating! But guess what? You might discover something powerful about yourself that you’ve been hiding away from the world.

When given the opportunity for a one-of-a-kind experience, are you willing to take the risks to access that joy? Or will you willing to pass it by, because maybe… 

You feel like it’s too overrated for adults? 

Or… you can’t seem to move past the hurdle of not being ‘cool’

If you don’t feel like you are ready, then I will respect that. 

But if it is – if you really want to feel respect and value for yourself, to find something that truly fits your personality, and you know that your soul is calling for this – then it’s time to decide. 

Are you ready to stop settling for the mundane?

Are you ready to stop worrying about stuff all the time, and instead get back to who you really are?

Deep down you know that maybe it’s time to do something crazy that you wouldn’t normally do. 

Will you always avoid putting yourself in uncomfortable situations? Or will you make time to be intentional and access the joy from within?

The choice is yours!

Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed- this is your chance to experience something totally unique. Will you be on your journey to joy? 

GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY to take advantage of this special program price launch

  • Eight (8) one-on-one weekly hour meetings
  • Create goals, set intentions, and make a strategic action plan
  • Meditative and energetic release activities to overcome joy-related obstacles and unleash parts of you that have been hidden
  • Creative activities and forms of journaling to aid in being intentional, getting you unstuck, and visualizing the future
  • Hands-on movement activities that bring you back to your child-like wonder; feeling fun, care-free and light
  • Accountability check-ins for you to share successes and work through challenges
  • Discounts to Rosa Joy Co community events
  • 60 day money-back guarantee

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